Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S II Released Soon

If you like Andoid Google-based phones, there is good news grapevine. Samsung, one of the giant South Korean vendors are aggressively releasing Android phones, announced it will bring a new member of the Samsung Galaxy S.

As published previously, Samsung Galaxy S had become a best-selling Android smartphone sales in the U.S. with three million units within 6 months. In the near future, Samsung is ready to present its successors, the Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II.

Initially, Samsung Galaxy S II is expected to appear around the first quarter of this year. However, until the end of March, it was not proven. Predictions rather miss. Because reportedly Samsung will launch around the beginning of May.

This news comes from a number of retail shops on the Internet. In the UK, Clove said Samsung Galaxy S II will arrive around May Not yet known when exactly. However, at least stall it had obtained a price, 530 pounds.

A number of retail kiosks in Germany may be a bit more fortunate. In addition to getting lower prices, the scheduled launch there faster. According to reports, several kiosks will begin to receive Galaxy S II on 29 April. The price, approximately 540 euros.

Except, The U.S. branch retail kiosk will receive Galaxy S II on 2 May at a price not less than 575 euros.

The following specifications and features Samsung's S Galaxy II :